How To Become A Licensed Electrician In West Virginia – WV?

West Virginia’s development is rising, which means more chances for electricians and housebuilders. According to West Virginia University’s economic prediction study, the construction industry will grow at a 1.1 percent annual average rate through 2023. Governor Justice’s Roads to Prosperity initiative, which will invest $1.6 billion in projects, will increase residential building, notably single-family dwelling starts, by more than 2%. Governor Justice’s Roads to Economic Success program, which will invest $1.6 billion for projects, will enhance structured cabling linked with system maintenance.

Types of Electrician Licenses in West Virginia

In West Virginia, you can opt for the following professional licenses.

West Virginia gives four different categories of electrician licenses:

Apprenticeship Electrician\s

Electrician\s Electrician

Specialty Electrician

Low Voltage Master Electrician, HVAC, Electric Sign, Single-Family Dwelling, Elevator

West Virginia’s Electrician Licensing Requirements

Is an electrician’s license necessary in West Virginia? Yes.

To become a licensed electrical engineer in West Virginia, you must meet specific standards. Any renovation wiring costing more than $1,000 requires an Electrical Contractor license.

Apprentice Electrician, Journeyman Electrician, Master Electrician, and Specialty Electrician licenses are issued by the Office of the State Fire Chief, which is situated at 1207 Quarrier St. (2nd floor) in Charlestown. You must arrange a test with Prov and complete a contractor license declaration to get a contractor license.

Steps in the West Virginia Electrician Licensing Process

Obtain the required job experience or traditional classroom. Note: All job experience must include structural cabling above the surface.

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Apply for and pay for the exam type you want: Apprentice, Journeyman, or Specialty Electrician are the three electricians. To pass, you must get an average of 80% or above.

Consider acquiring a Master Electrician license after 10,000 hours or five years of hands-on construction wiring.


  • To apply for an apprenticeship test, you must be 18 years old.
  • To become a Journeyman Electrician, follow these steps.
  • Show that you have completed 8,000 hours or four years of above-ground electrical work.
  • Complete a US Department of Labor approved apprenticeship program.
  • Complete a vocational course authorized by the West Virginia Dept of Education for at least 1,080 hrs.

A credential from your trade or professional program is required.

Two years or 4,000 hours of work placement in the specialized field is required to become a Specialty Electrical contractor: HVAC, electrical sign, single-family housing, lift, or voltage level.

You should have 10,000 hours or five years of above-ground construction wiring in a mixture of household, industrial, and corporate operations for becoming a Master Electrician. The professional experience requirement is not satisfied by skills courses.

APPLY FOR AN ELECTRICIAN LICENSE: Applicants may register for a statewide electrical license through the Director – general Fire Chief after completing the professional experience criteria. A fixed exam fee of $10 for an apprentice exam and $25 for all other test types must be included in the registration. Checks and money orders are also alternative payments options, and you will not be able to pay with a credit card or currency.

The open-book exam is based on the 2017 Electrical Code obtained from any electrical store. Gadgets, book pages, keywords index, and Ugly’s reference materials are permitted, but study manuals are not. Within 15 business days, you will get your exam grades.

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Exams for electricians in West Virginia are available in the following formats:

Electric Experiential learning: The exam comprises 20 trade survey items from the first four sections of the 2017 National Electrical Code (NEC).

Journeyman Electrician: There are 42 multiple-choice problems in the exam, as well as four computations involving power considerations, system voltage, impedance, and circuit demands.

Electrician Specialty: There are 20-25 multiple-choice problems on this test.

Master Electrician: The Master Electrician examination comprises 50 questionnaires and six computations, which may contain numerical calculations including loading condition, active power, power loss, service capacity, demanding load, circuit impedance, and output needs.

Electrician Licensing in West Virginia: How Much Does It Cost?

The intern assessment is $10, and the rest of the examinations are $25. A $50 yearly fee is required for all types of electrical licenses in West Virginia. Every year on June 30th, licenses terminate.

Trade education costs range from $3,000 to $5,000 annually.

In West Virginia, how long will it take to get an electrician’s license?

Based on the license type, four to five years of employment, industrial training, or 1,000+ hours of technical study are required to become a licensed electrician in West Virginia.

Electrician Schools and Programs in West Virginia

Apprenticeship programs and the education you have to become an electrical expert are available at many state universities, technical colleges, academic – vocational institutions in West Virginia. Education possibilities may be found all around the state, in both metropolitan areas and small settlements.

The International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW) is an excellent place to look for internships. The IBEW and the National Electrical Contractors Association collaborate on the Electrical Learning Partnership apprentice program, allowing students to “earn while they study.”

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Do West Virginia and other jurisdictions have reciprocity agreements?

For reciprocity in West Virginia, the West Virginia State Fire Marshal recognizes the following license categories from other states:

  • Virginia Electrician masters and journeyman licenses
  • Electricity Company’s License in Ohio
  • A Master’s Electrician license is required in North Carolina.
  • Ky Electrician Master and Apprentice licenses
  • Master Electrician License in Maryland

Send the reciprocity permit application to the West Virginia Office of the State Fire Marshal, along with a $50 payment. All professional licenses must be current with their state’s professional licensing board.


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Plumbers in West Virginia must be licensed. This is because plumbers are critical to the population’s health and well-being. They are connected to the water and sewer facilities of the city, and they offer to pipe for the transport of clean and safe water. They put in garbage removal systems in our houses and businesses. If these things are not done appropriately, there is a significant risk to the public. Before any license or permission is awarded, it is normal for plumbers to be required to obtain Plumber’s General Liability Insurance in addition to passing rigorous tests.

Final Verdict

New development projects will lead to higher prices for electricians as 2023 draws. You have two options for becoming an electrical contractor in West Virginia: go to school or get your license through equivalency.

Any electrical job costing more than $1,000 in West Virginia requires a company’s license. To work as an electrical contractor in West Virginia, you must first have a master electrician’s license. After obtaining your master’s license, you’ll need to apply for a contractor’s license.

You might be able to earn your senior electrical engineer license through reciprocity, and only a few states provide reciprocity to West Virginia.


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