How to Become a Licensed Plumber in Alaska: Plumbing License Requirements and Guide

To acquire a plumbing license in Alaska, one must qualify the general requirement in plumbing and electrics. The applicant must follow the process conducted by the Department of Labour and Industry in Alaska. 

A plumbing license is necessary for independent jobs and to advance for higher pay and fulfillment. Alaska State comparatively provides higher payment than most other states for construction and extraction jobs. Hence the plumbing license issued by any other state will not be sufficient to practice plumbing in Alaska. Since there are no reciprocity agreements regarding the inter-state practice of plumbing in Alaska, the plumbing license issued from Alaska will only be applicable within the State. 

Based on your knowledge, skills, and experience in plumbing, a utility license will be issued. 

As a part of training, you will have to work as an apprentice under a mentor or an experienced plumber before being licensed. And with your plumbing license, you can aim to become a journeyman plumber or master plumber by taking the examination in Alaska State.

General Requirements to Get a Plumbing License in Alaska

Below are the general requirements to get a plumbing license in Alaska State:

  • A high school diploma or GED equivalent
  • Identity proof (regional state-issued driver’s license, social security card/number, or United States passport card)
  • Criminal offender record information (CORI)
  • 1000 hours of fieldwork experience as a helper or assistant of a licensed journeyman plumber or 25 hours of schooling/apprenticeship under a mentor or job experience of five years. 
  • Having a membership in the united association of journeymen and apprentices of the plumbing and pipefitting industry of the United States is found to be beneficial in finding a job or getting a license. 
  • For apprenticeship, you can use the database that the Alaskan Department of Commerce, Community, and Economic Development maintains.
  • A certificate of fitness issued by the Mechanical Inspection Section, the department of labor. (The section verifies training, experience, and registration requirements for applicants, conducts testing)
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In Alaska State, the plumbing licenses are divided into the following types:

  • Plumber utility license
  • Plumber gas license
  • Plumbing Journeyman license

The plumber utility license allows you to operate sewer and water lines, whereas the plumber gas line license only includes the services in installments and operation of gas lines. On the other hand, a journeymen’s license will allow you to work for a company. It also includes services in residential as well as commercial properties. But in most areas, the licensee will not be allowed to start their own business.

Plumber Utility License Requirements in the State of Alaska

Having a plumber utility license enables you to work in the installment and operation of water, drainage, and sewage disposal system in the residential area. The license of plumber utility will not be applicable in other states, and thus the plumber will be restricted to work within the State. 

Below are the steps to get a plumber utility license in Alaska state: 

  • Apply for the license online if your resume matches the above-mentioned criteria 
  • Attach your qualification certificates: high school diploma, GED transcript, or certificate from institution supporting your plumbing program. 
  • Pay the license fee of $14 

Plumber Gas License Requirements in the State of Alaska 

A plumber gas license enables the experienced plumber to install and operate the gas lines in residential properties. The restricted plumber gas license prevents you from operating in any other area of plumbing besides the gas fitting and gas lines. 

Below are the requirements to get a plumber gas license in Alaska state:

  • For a plumber gas license, you will need 500 hours of schooling or 4000 hours of on-field experience, out of which 2000 hours should be on the installation of fuel gas piping. 
  • Apply for fitness testing conducted by the plumbing and electrical section of the department of labor by paying $50 as initial payment.
  • Score at least 70% in the fitness testing that upon passing, a $200 payment has to be done for licensure, 
  • The license will allow you to work on commercial fuel gas piping. 
  • The license thus issued will remain valid for two years, which upon expiry should be renewed to continue practicing.  
  • You can reapply for the exams in case of not passing.
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Plumbing Apprenticeship Requirements in Alaska

Apprenticeships under experienced plumber will ensure the growth of a plumbing career. A 5 years’ service in the training program or the apprenticeship under the licensed plumber is necessary for obtaining the license. These program options are usually advised when formal schooling is not available or when the schooling is not required for the license. In addition, apprenticeships can provide the opportunity to work under a licensed professional as an assistant or helper for a certain period. This also provides experience and practical knowledge on trade. Some apprenticeships are full-time paid positions, while others may only require you to work once a week for little or no pay depending on the program. The average time for an apprenticeship to last is between one and two years.

The State of Alaska allows apprenticeships through constructor unions. You can join union 367 and 375 in Anchorage, which can help you find apprenticeships under leading plumbing companies. It is not necessary to apprentice through union but will help in growing the career once you get the license. Some of the trade schools in Alaska, such as Alaska Vocational Technical Centre, Alaska Technical Centre, Ilisagvik College, University of Alaska Fairbanks and, Plumbers and Pipefitters Training School, provide both practical and classroom experience along with prior experience in plumbing. These schools enable the easy allocation of apprenticeships, which can help in completing minimum hours of plumbing training to get your license. It can also improve your chance of getting a license. 

Plumbing Journeyman License Requirements in Alaska 

Journeymen plumber works in installment and repairing of water, drainage, and sewage disposal system in both residential and commercial area. You can also work under a master plumber. Journeyman license allows you to participate in the supervision of apprentices. After two years of working as a journeyman plumber, you can take the necessary test within the State of Alaska to become the master plumber. 

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Below are the requirements for attaining a journeyman license in Alaska State:

  • 8000 hours experience in plumbing or 1000 hours of the plumbing training program conducted under intuitions or union. 
  • You need to provide proof of his training program or plumbing experience.
  • Provide proof of your educational qualifications. 
  • Fill out the application form for the certificate of fitness. 
  • Pay for the plumbing certificate of fitness. 
  • Pay $50 for the test conducted by the State.
  • The plumbing board exam of Alaska is a closed book exam conducted for 4 hours. The test involves general plumbing, gas piping appliance vent, gas piping drawing, vent drawing, and water piping drawing. 
  • Carry the government-issued picture ID into the examination center. 
  • The minimum score for acceptance is 70%.
  • If you pass the journeyman test, pay $200 for the license. 
  • The certificate issued on passing will remain valid for two years, after which you will have to renew your license. 

Plumber Contractor License Requirements in Alaska

These services are for self-employment and to open your business. To obtain a contractor license, the plumber has to submit the completed application with a fee of $100. A surety bond along with the certificate of insurance should be attached with the application. The surety bond will be issued by the Surety Company that invests in your company, or it has to be issued by the company that provided you with business insurance. The surety bond issued should be $10,000 while the insurance certificate covers $170,000, in which at least $20,000 insured for property damages, $50,000 for injury or death of a person, and a total amount of $100,000 insured for injury or death of multiple persons. A private insurance company licensed anywhere in Alaska provides worker’s compensation for the business with employees. You will have to pay $250 for the license if you pass the exam. This license expires on the last day of odd-numbered years.

Renewal of the Plumbing License

The plumbing licenses are valid for up to 2 years in Alaska. An additional fee of $200-$250 may be required in case of renewal. But other services such as changing the name or address on the license have to be reported to the Alaska Department of Labour and Workforce Development.  


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