How To Become A Licensed Plumber In Nebraska – NE?

Without any doubt, plumbing is America’s most important construction and repair works. Due to heavy rainfall in some areas and unpredicted weather, household pipelines get damaged. Or sometimes, snowfall leaves rust in pipes, which causes damage.

More so, plumbing professionals serve all the nation’s communities, irrespective of their size. In addition, according to a surrey, if these plumbers and technicians stop working only for a week, it may result in a nationwide household and business JAM.

Similarly, plumbing work has the same respect in Nebraska as in other states like NJ or NH. However, you don’t need to go through a complex screening process like other more populous states to become a licensed plumber. It’s a simple process to become a highly paid individual in NE.

Want to know more? Let’s find out, how to become a licensed plumber in Nebraska – NE. This article will help you to thoroughly understand the process – from license requirements to trade schools; everything is covered below. So, let’s get started.

Nebraska Training and Licensing Department For Plumbers:

Unlike other American states, where there is a governing body or department that’s responsible for regulating the plumbing profession. The state of Nebraska doesn’t rely on the same criterion. Surprisingly, you don’t need a state-wide contractor or plumbing license to work as a plumber. Instead, you must follow the procedure, rules, and regulations according to your city. 

In populated cities, a local plumbing license is necessary before showing up for plumbing tasks. That being said, the state’s largest city, Omaha’s department of planning, requires you to have a license. And you must get a permit before starting out as an apprentice, which is considered the start of a plumbing career.

Further, to upgrade your rank to a journeyman plumber, you must work under the supervision of a licensed master or journeyman plumber. And, every year, it’s necessary to work for at least 1,750 hours to get a license. After that, you can participate in the journeyman plumbing license exam if you meet the criteria of becoming a journeyman.

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In order to upgrade your level to a master plumber, you must work under the supervision of a master plumber for four years. After that, you can take your master plumber exam and become a licensed plumber. Alternatively, you can take this exam if you have other proof of your master’s level plumbing skills.

Other than an apprenticeship permit, you can also get other plumbing work permits in Omaha, which includes:

  • Water conditioning installation
  • Water conditioning contracting
  • Lawn sprinkler installation
  • Lawn sprinkler contracting
  • Sewer laying
  • Sewer and drain cleaning

Like Omaha, you may also need a city-specific license to work legally in other cities of NE. One of the most popular includes the state’s capital, Lincoln. All in all, you will need to check the rules in your local jurisdiction.

On the other hand, the state of Nebraska requires a state-wide general contractor license for plumbing contractors. Construction contractors who have this license are able to own and operate their own businesses and work on building projects.

Get Your High School Diploma Or GED

Before applying or becoming a plumbing apprentice, you should complete your standard education. In Nebraska, it’s easy to get specialized skills. You only need to complete your basic high school diploma or GED (General Education Development). Prior to pursuing vocational training, you must pass math and science courses.

Types Of Plumbing License In Nebraska – NE:

The following plumbing licenses are available in Nebraska;

  • Apprentice license;
  • Journeyman license;
  • Master license;

How to Get Apprentice Permit in Nebraska?

An apprenticeship license is the initial stage of becoming a plumber. To get it easily, you can join a nearby trade school, learn basics, do some practical work and acquire a license. In fact, there are training schools that offer online classes, but we prefer to get in-person classes because they are more helpful, and you may feel distracted in online courses.

Mostly, the apprenticeship program lasts 18 months, but an apprentice should work for four years in training to become a journeyman. Check out the curriculum before joining a school. A training program must include theory and practical, and some parts will also cover;

  • Sprinkler installation;
  • Pipe fitting;
  • Reading blueprints;
  • Drafting;
  • Mathematics;
  • Science;
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Furthermore, there are specific requirements you must fulfill to get into the training program; it requires you to be;

  • 18 years old
  • Have a High school diploma or GED
  • ID copy
  • Birth certificate
  • Social security number
  • U.S. citizenship proof
  • $20 registration fee
  • No criminal background
  • No drug addict background

You must renew your apprenticeship registration every year before 30 December. Also, check for accreditation from the city board before choosing a college.

How to Get a Journeyman License in Nebraska?

If you’re an avid learner, and learned everything in the apprenticeship program, and want to proceed to the next level in the plumbing industry – it’s time to get a journeyman license.

You can acquire one by taking an exam, which covers diversified d topics like;

  • Plumbing basics and safety;
  • Measurements and materials
  • Traps, interceptors, and backwater valves
  • Learning about fixtures, fittings, and best plumbing appliance for a specific task
  • Water supply
  • Backflow and damage prevention
  • Piping
  • Mathematics
  • Gas appliances management

Just like the previous license, you also need to meet an exam and license criteria – they are;

  • 18+ years age
  • Application form and $75 form fee
  • Previous experience and a registered apprentice
  • At least 300+ hours working experience over the course of four years
  • Pass the test with 70%+ marks

To make it easy, you can take this exam online as well. Lastly, you’ll need to renew this license every year.

How To Get A Master License In Nebraska?

Before becoming a master plumber, you need to work under the supervision of a licensed master. However, as a master plumber, you don’t need any supervision, and you can take any plumbing project;

  • As a master plumber, you can apply for a contractor
  • You can hire junior plumbers and supervise them
  • To pass the exam, you need to go through a variety of exams
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Before that, you need to meet basic requirements – such as;

  • At least 23 years old
  • 4 years working experience
  • $75 application processing fee
  • Application form
  • Pass the examination with a 70%+ score

However, the fee could increase to $200 to have your license issued – it’s according to your city board. Moreover, you need to take the exam in the below areas;

  • Plumbing basics
  • Types of materials use
  • Property safety
  • Measurements and specifications
  • Plumbing mathematics
  • Traps, interceptors, and backwater valves
  • Backflow and damage prevention
  • Piping
  • Mathematics
  • Gas appliances management
  • Advanced topics

Specialized Plumber Training In Nebraska

As previously mentioned, there are no specific state-wide license requirements in Nebraska to get a plumbing license. However, it’s essential for a plumber to get specialized training because well-trained plumbers understand their profession and know how to tackle every task.

Similarly, there are many institutes in Nebraska offering courses; you could find the best in your city – some are listed below;

  • Northeast Community College: This college offers numerous training in plumbing. They offer their trainees practical and theory-based training about residential and commercial buildings.
  • Plumbers Local Union No.16: This Omaha city-based union offers an apprenticeship program that’s best in the entire state. In this program, you must complete 1,200 hours in the classroom and 10,000 hours working on on-site projects. 

Average Plumber Salary In Nebraska:

The demand for plumbers in Nebraska is increasing. You will also have more job opportunities if you have a license and experience. Additionally, unionized plumbers and those who own their own businesses earn more.

Larger cities pay more than small cities – The average salary in Omaha is $54,345, and it reduces in a small city like Norfolk to $47,307.

The Verdict:

Despite the fact that there are no state-wide clear requirements, it’s better to learn about your city’s specific requirements. More so, after reading this article, now you’ll be clear about “How to become a licensed plumber in Nebraska – NE.”

The last thing, there are some license reciprocity requirements if you’re moving from one city to another. They’re basics like, your license city must be populated as the new city like you can get Lincoln reciprocity in Omaha, but it’ll be challenging to do the same in Norfolk.


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