In this era of great concerns towards social media trends i.e., male or female, are getting involved in the processes of beatification to look best in every race like skincare, haircare, body shaping, and many others, and Of course, all for all this you may have to pay more than hundred thousand dollars to win this race. All above have raised the demand for well-trained and executive professionals in California like all other world regions. No doubt at all of the mentioned industries are of great worth, but today our stream assists people with their queries for “Cosmetology.”
This article will provide you guidance about the following frequently occurring questions in your minds:
(1). What do cosmetologists do?
(2). What kind of education, skills, and training will be required by you?
(3). What will be the Legal requirement for practicing cosmetology?
(4). What kind of business opportunities will this offer?
(5). What level of income can you earn?
As we all know, California is the Hub for the beauty industry in the United States of America. California’s West Coastline is always considered a birthplace for national and international fashion trends and beauty icons. On the other side of the region, Vogue always represents individual styling trends. California also provides us a vast range of the world’s most famous beauty centers and salons and increases its beauty and attraction for people all over the world. Meche Salon, John Frieda Salon, Revamp, Kimber Hair Studio, and California’s Salon are dynamically representing the Cosmetology and fashion industry in different State regions, i.e., Beverly Hills, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Hollywood, and many others.
After knowing the Californian Cosmetology industry’s facts and figures, you might think of becoming cosmetology in California. The cosmetology industry in California, with more than 9000 salons subjected to support a major portion of GDP of the sector, will provide you a greater scope as compare to another country as people are much more concerned about their iconic looks because of the very large volume of Hollywood movies has been shooting here since very long. About $5.4 generating industry of cosmetology offer you a very broader scope because of California’s strengthened and impactful film, theater, and fashion industry under which you can be one of the following:
- Salon Owner
- Hair Stylish
- Hair Colorist
- Makeup Specialist
- Nail Artist
Your competencies in Cosmetology’s field will capture appeals of people towards you or your salon to groom themselves and their self-confidence. Here are the Following Steps to be a Cosmetologist in California:
Cosmetology practice in California required any cosmetology program from any institute or training center or licensed saloon approved by BPPE and BBC of California. The program may offer the candidate a certification, diploma, associate degree, or apprenticeship indenture document issued by any institute or training center or licensed saloon. But most of the students go for the associate degree program to get their certification and further attainment of license because this provides them an opportunity to get enrollment in Bachelor’s degree in different streams like spa and saloon, hotel management, etc.
Follow these steps to learn how to become a cosmetology in California:
(1). Enrollment in Cosmetology School (Approved Program from training and skill development department of California)
(2). Application Procedure for Cosmetologist Examination
(3). Guidelines for the Qualification of Cosmetology Examination Held by BBC
(4). Career Opportunity for Cosmetologist in California
Table of Contents
Step1. Enrollment in Cosmetology School (Approved Program from training and skill development department of California):
Like any other professional degree or diploma chasing, for cosmetology course in California and to become a successful cosmetologist in California, one should start from the entry-level and get enrolled in the basic training development program for cosmetology. The school’s selection must be done based on criteria mentioned under the approval of Vocational Training institution Board of California and provided ranking at their website named as Bureau of Private Post-Secondary Education (BPPE). You can visit the website to check the affiliated schools’ current list with their ranking and available courses.
Anyone who wants to be a Cosmetologist in California should complete their training of 1600 hours in any institution of their choice approved Bureau of Private Post-Secondary Education (BPPE) to follow up their license as a cosmetologist in California.
For the attainment of license by any person who is seeking for practicing cosmetology in California, the said person must visit the office of the California Board of barbering and Cosmetology, i.e., the regulatory body of California to issue the license to any new cosmetologist and to maintain the rules and regulations in currently practicing cosmetology centers. Still, it is also the Bureau of Private Post-Secondary Education (BPPE) responsibility to ensure that all the schools and academies approved by BPPE must fulfill the requirement and provide all the requisite training to the candidate to get their license for becoming a cosmetologist in California.
For getting your license as a Cosmetologist in California, another formal way out is also available for the candidates who cannot bear the fee of the course provided in the Schools under the affiliation of the Bureau of Private Post-Secondary Education (BPPE). Any Candidate who wants to get a license from the Board of Barbering and Cosmetology, California, can also follow the apprenticeship procedure because the Department of Labor Relations, California also allows candidates to get their training under the direct supervision of any licensed cosmetologist of the State. Issuance of License by providing apprenticeship evidence must require a formal apprenticeship indenture supplied by a licensed trainer or an owner of the salon, or any licensed cosmetologist. Besides all the above, one can also enroll himself in any training program under individual sponsorship.
A cosmetologist training program in California is a full-time program with defined credit hours of 3200 hours to be completed in two years and requires classroom attendance for formal instructions for at least 220 credit hours.
To get enrolled and qualify for an apprenticeship for becoming a cosmetologist in California required following qualifications:
- Minimum age of 16 Years
- Secondary School Diploma or equivalent
- Social Security Number of Californian State
- Candidate should get enrolled apprenticeship to an approved Sponsor by competent authorities (list may be found at Approved Apprenticeship Program Sponsors List)
- Have an apprenticeship indenture document from any licensed trainer or cosmetologist in California who is willing to train you under the given criteria by BPPE and BBC California.
- Completion of Pre-Apprenticeship from approved Sponsor by competent authorities (list may be found at Approved Apprenticeship Program Sponsors List) at 39-hours minimum.
Step 2. Application Procedure for Cosmetologist Examination
Successful completion of an associate degree in cosmetology, vocational school diploma, apprenticeship, or any other formal course completion in cosmetology, candidate must have to go for practical cosmetologist examination held by Board of Barbering and Cosmetology (BBC), California. The processing of the Cosmetology Examination has the following requirement and criteria:
- Online or Physical Submission for the Cosmetology examination to BBC
- Deposit Initial fee of $125 for license
- Minimum age of 17 Years
- High School Certificate or Equivalent
Any eligible and willing candidate can submit all the above requisites and allow to appear in the examination within 12 weeks from the submission days. The exam schedule and call letter will be provided by the BBC after required formalities.
Moreover, if you still have any queries or confusion about the process of examination or status of your submitted application, you can visit the Board of Barbering and Cosmetology, California or can email them at [email protected].
Step 3. Guidelines for the Qualification of Cosmetology Examination Held by BBC
The Cosmetology Practical Examination contains two portions. 1st part of the examination is held by the BBC is written to examine the competency of the candidate in theoretical manners, and the second part of the review is based on practical work to test the competencies of the candidate practically. National Interstate Council of Board of Cosmetology (NIC) conducts the exam on behalf of the Board of Barbering and Cosmetology, California, and most probably both exams, i.e., written and practical, held on the same date.
Board of Barbering and Cosmetology, California, have two permanent test centers for Cosmetology practical examination:
- Fairfield in Northern California
- Glendale in Southern California
But BBC provides more than enough test centers to the candidates for their convenience for their written test. The cities that include test centers for written test are Bakersfield, Burbank, Fresno, Laguna Hills, San Francisco, Anaheim, and many other (List available at Additional Necessary information is given below:
- An examination can be applied and attempted in Four languages:
- English
- Korean
- Spanish
- Vietnamese
- the test contains 100 questions
- time allowed for written exam: 2 hours
- time allowed for Practical exam: 4 hours
Step 4. Career Opportunity for Cosmetologist in California
License issuance required passing marks in both examinations, i.e., written and practical. After successfully completing the theory and functional assessment, the Board of Barbering and Cosmetology, California, will give you the license to practice as a Cosmetologist in California. This license offers you to participate in the following Career Opportunities to earn a livelihood as a Cosmetologist in California:
- Hair Saloon Offering: Hairstyling, Cutting, Dying and etc.
- Skin Care Centre
- Makeup Artist
- Facial Massage Parlor
- Hair Spa Centre